Ok, I'm going to try something. Just for fun. I'm running out of things to post, so I want you guys to ask me questions. Any kind of question and I'll answer them. Like if you want to know something weird about me :) or what my favorite animal, color, book, movie is, something like that. I might answer them I might not. So start asking questions!!!!!!! WHHHOOOOO! :) I guess there is just one question.
DEAL OR NO DEAL??????????
DEAL OR NO DEAL??????????
what is your name?
Why are polka-dots called "polka-dots" when they have nothing to do with polka?
why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?
What do you want to be when you grow up??
does this qualify as a question?
why are there so many questions and still no answers??????
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