Saturday, July 01, 2006

Bored with the same questions?
Very exciting questions.
What time is it?: about 5:40 p.m.
Do you own a pair of sunglasses?: yes
[if so. Describe them]: they're black with the bigger lenses
Do you put sunscreen on before you go swimming?: yes
What can you hear right now?:my brothers
Current taste?:none
Ok, moving on....
If your a girl, do you straighten your hair on a regular basis?:no
Are you interested in anyone right now?:yes
Are you going out with this person?:no
What was the last movie you saw in theaters?:i don't go to theaters
Look to your left. What do you see?:the boys playing nintendo
What color is your carpet?:like a confetti color
Be honest.
Do you still sleep with a stuffed animal?:kind of
How about a baby blanket?:nope
Do you suck your thumb?:no
This exciting huh?: sure
What state do you live in?:Ohio
Have you lived there your whole life?:yup
Do you like it there?:mmhmm
Ok, what do you hear now?:the shower running
Is your desk organized?:somewhat
Do you even have a desk?:yes
How long is your hair?:about shoulder length
Where were you last night?:church
Are you bored yet?
Describe your sheets: umm, they have blue and purple flowers on them
Do you like comments, picture comments, or messages better?:doesn't matter
Do you watch cartoons?:sometimes
This or That
Barney or Sesame Street?:idk, haven't watched either in a long time
Blue or Black pen ink?:blue
Hair Spray or Gel?:hair spray
Outside temperature?:idk, probably in the high 80's
Clothing?:shorts and a t-shirt
Jewelry?:earrings and ring
Hair?:down and wet
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

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